At My Skincare Reality, we value your health and wellbeing above all. Before exploring any recommended products or services on this site, consult the health professional of your choice to guide you in decisions that align with your needs.

  • Personal Responsibility: You are entirely accountable for your health. Seek guidance from a health professional as needed before trying any products or services suggested here.

Author Credentials

Sophie Johnson, the author behind My Skincare Reality, is not a doctor or a nutritionist. Her opinions and experiences, shared on, are personal and not to be mistaken for professional advice.

No Medical Advice

  • Disease or Condition: Information, products, or services on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Nothing shared on, by Sophie Johnson, or My Skincare Reality has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Professional Counsel: The information on this site is not medical advice. Always consult a qualified medical professional before making changes to your nutrition, supplementation, esthetic, skincare, medical, and mental health regimen.
  • Unique Circumstances: Each person’s skin is unique, with different circumstances, pre-existing conditions, triggers, sensitivities, and issues. For tailored advice, consult a qualified skincare professional.

Important Considerations:

  • Non-Actionable Content: Do not take any content on this site as actionable without consulting your doctor and/or skincare professional.
  • Pre-Consultation Encouraged: Speak with a doctor and skincare professional before trying any products or ingredients recommended on this site.
  • Self-Advocacy: You are your own best advocate. Take charge of your health and wellbeing by consulting healthcare professionals when trying products or services promoted, sold, and suggested here.

Seeking Professional Counsel

The content on this site does not constitute medical advice. We strongly recommend seeking the counsel of a qualified medical professional before making any changes to your nutrition, supplementation, esthetic, skincare, medical, and mental health regimen.

Individualized Skincare Caution

While our content predominantly focuses on skincare, it’s important to recognize that everyone’s skin is unique. Your skin has specific circumstances, pre-existing conditions, triggers, sensitivities, and issues best addressed by a qualified skincare professional.

  • Individual Differences: Every person’s skin is distinct, and it’s essential to consult with a skincare professional for personalized advice.
  • Product Caution: Exercise caution when choosing products, considering your skin’s unique conditions, and always consult a skincare professional.

Ingredient and Product Awareness

Manufacturers frequently change formulas. Therefore, it’s essential to read product ingredients and descriptions before use. Just because a product works well for others doesn’t guarantee its suitability for your specific skin condition.

  • Patch Testing: When using skincare products, consult professionals, and conduct patch testing to understand the suitability for your skin.
  • Read Ingredient Guides: Manufacturers frequently change formulas. Read product ingredients and descriptions before use to ensure compatibility with your skin’s conditions.
  • Manufacturer Guidance: Just because a product works for others with dry skin doesn’t guarantee it’s suitable for your specific dry skin condition. Exercise caution, engage your critical thinking, and consult skincare professionals.

Your Health, Your Responsibility

You are your own best advocate. Take charge of your health and well-being. Consult with the healthcare professional of your choice to guide you in making informed decisions about the products and services promoted, sold, and suggested on My Skincare Reality.